Was it a Mistake?


Over the past 34 years, I’ve made my fair share of bad choices. Wisdom would get clouded by emotions, and soon my life would be turned upside down. Many times I would walk away kicking myself and wondering why I let, or caused, certain things to happen.

Out of all the poor choices I made, which of those were mistakes? None of them. I don’t feel that anything we do is a mistake, as long as we learn from it. Our so-called mistakes are our greatest teachers. Without them, we would learn nothing. For that reason, I am thankful for each and every one of them.

My choices, both good and bad, have helped to make me into the person I am today. Some of my worst decisions at the time, ending up becoming some of my best.

At 16 years old, I left home for a short while and lived with a friend and his family. During that time, a lot of bad choices were made. However, through it all, I gained a household of people who I love dearly. People who I still call family today.

With little forethought I married too young, but out of that short-lived relationship, a lasting friendship was made. More importantly, my wonderful son was born. He was nothing like I expected a child to be. It was obvious by his behavior that he was different. He being autistic, made for a challenge and a half. However, he taught me patience (lots of it) and how to love unconditionally. He has taught me what life is truly all about.

In my 20s, I blindly walked into the hands of a controlling man, who terrified me. That relationship taught me which red flags to look for later, how to be stronger and how to understand others who have been in similar situations. It also taught me how to be forgiving. I could stand face to face with him today, without a trace of anger or bitterness.

Throughout my teens and 20s, I was a terrible friend to the majority of my peers. I lost them all, which still saddens me. As a result however, I learned what a true friend is, and how to be one.

All of these poor choices taught me something. How to be stronger, to appreciate others, to be understanding, and to love unconditionally. So how could they be called mistakes?

We all make bad choices, but it’s not the choice that we should focus on. It’s the lesson that was, or can be, learned from it.

Behind every poor decision, is a lesson. It is up to us to discover what it is.


This post is a response to Daily Post prompt: Favorite Mistake

Is there a mistake you’ve made that turned out to be a blessing — or otherwise changed your life for the better? Tell us all about it.


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43 Responses to Was it a Mistake?

  1. LindaGHill says:

    I agree – all things can be learned from as long as they’re not too devastating.


  2. Very good post and you are right, no matter how bad decisions we have taken, just we learn and don’t repeat them, it should not be mistakes 🙂


  3. lunatique77 says:

    Great post and I can totally relate to learn about red flags – even though those relationships can nearly break you, you can learn to never let it happen again!


  4. I have a couple I’d take back if I could. Well, fixing one mistake would cure a lot of the others. I learned I’m a jerk, basically. That’s pretty awful to realise.


    • mewhoami says:

      That’s a hard lesson to learn, but because of it, did you learn to not be that way anymore? If so, then even with the regrets, at least the lesson can help you to be a better person now.


      • I’m not entirely sure if I have. Sometimes I am a still a jerk and don’t realise it until later. It’s a hard thing for a woman to admit to – I learned long ago that if a man says he’s a jerk, he means it and has no intention of changing! Me not so much. Well, sometimes it comes in handy 🙂


  5. Ryan Dueck says:

    Needed to read this today. Thank you.


  6. Ryan Dueck says:

    Reblogged this on How are you? …Good and commented:
    This was a good read!


  7. Excellent response to the challenge! I loved reading about your “mistakes” and what you turned them into!


  8. DailyMusings says:

    Learning from those poor choices is key to moving ahead in a positive way. great post


  9. This was a great response and very grown up…..we should all learn from our mistakes. I like to try and learn from other’s mistakes also. Sometimes it is better not to reinvent the wheel. 😉


  10. jcstormy47 says:

    As you know…I completely agree!! Learn learn learn!!


  11. “Behind every poor decision, is a lesson. It is up to us to discover what it is.” I love the way you worded this! My sister is a career counselor and they call it “failing up!” As long as we learn a lesson we progress. 🙂 I have made so many mistakes in my life, I wouldn’t know where to begin. I guess the biggest lesson I have learned is to forgive myself my past and be grateful for the person I’m becoming.


    • mewhoami says:

      Thank you, Cate! Failing up – I like that too! That’s exactly what it is. I think to to forgive ourselves is the hardest part. Most of the people involved have long forgotten, but we continue to hold onto our failures. That’s something I’ve had to learn also, to let go. It’s great that you have learned these lessons.


  12. April says:

    Just yesterday, I was thinking about some past blunders. I looked in the mirror–really looked, because that isn’t something I normally do. I basically told myself that I did what I did when I didn’t know any better. Now I do, so let’s move forward. Now I just need to listen to myself.


    • mewhoami says:

      That’s true. We do a lot of things because we don’t know any better. Then we find out the hard way. That’s the painful part, but all of it leads to growth. We become better with each mistake, or at least we should strive to.


  13. suzjones says:

    Wonderful words of wisdom from you once again. I agree wholeheartedly that our mistakes define the person we become.


  14. jacqueline says:

    great Article!. I totally agree. mistakes can turn to something that we never expected to happen to us. they help us to learn things that surprisingly change us into a better person, I should say that with all the mistakes I made I was amazed how God show all the lessons I’ve learned. Mistakes and trials of this life are God’s blessings in disguise.


    • mewhoami says:

      Thank you. I believe that the outcome of a mistake is based off of how we respond to it. Do we dwell on it, or use it to become better people. I also feel that trials are blessings in disguise. It may be a painful process, but we can rest assured that it’s for a reason.


      • jacqueline says:

        it’s really painful, I still remember how I felt during that times I can’t help but cry but through this I was able to discover what are the things I should change and develop. I am new in this blog site and it’s a good thing i joined.


  15. jacqueline says:

    Visit Laura story site and know what are the stories behind her songs. May God Bless you more!


  16. It’s all in the perspective. Lessons can be learned from all circumstances if we’re willing to see them. Great post.


  17. Pingback: DAILY PROMPT: Favorite Mistake | Nola Roots, Texas Heart

  18. I can totally relate to just about everything you said.


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