200 Mugs – One-Liner Wednesday


“I eat it because it has a lot of potassium in it,” I told my son.

Curious, he grabbed the container to read the nutrition facts on the back.

After giving him a moment to read it over I asked him, “So, how much potassium does it have?”

Turning to me with a proud smile, he replied…. “200 mugs.”

This post is for One-Liner Wednesday, hosted by LindaGHill.

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17 Responses to 200 Mugs – One-Liner Wednesday

  1. stormy1812 says:

    That would indeed be a lot of potassium! Not sure I could handle 200 mugs šŸ˜‰


  2. LindaGHill says:

    I like my potassium in mugs too! Haha. šŸ™‚


  3. Hahahahaha! Love it! Made me chuckle out loud. šŸ™‚


  4. And he is completely correct! I’d love to hear his pronunciation of TBSP, please?


  5. amommasview says:

    Hahaha… love it!


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