Ruined Apologies – One-Liner Wednesday


“Never ruin an apology with an excuse.” ~ Benjamin Franklin


This post is for One-Liner Wednesday, hosted by LindaGHill.

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14 Responses to Ruined Apologies – One-Liner Wednesday

  1. I saw something today similar to this: never make excuses, your friends already know and your enemies will never belive you anyway.


  2. Ohhhhhhh…….good lesson!


  3. George says:

    Great advice😊


  4. Oh, I really like that! Truer words were never said!


  5. LindaGHill says:

    If we Canadians gave an excuse for everything we apologized for on a daily basis, we’d bore each other to death. And none of it would make any sense! (i.e. Sorry you bumped into me…) Ha!
    But seriously, it’s a great quote and good advice. 😀


  6. Patricia says:

    Love the quote!


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