I Didn’t Say That – One-Liner Wednesday


“People have the unique ability to listen to one story and understand another.”

~ Pandora Poikilos

One-Liner Wednesday – hosted by LindaGHill

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11 Responses to I Didn’t Say That – One-Liner Wednesday

  1. Glazed says:

    That’s so true. Maybe it’s because we fancy we can read minds, when we really can’t.


  2. Uhm….. guilty. Super guilty!


  3. hsampson says:

    Indeed! this is SO true!!


  4. Prajakta says:

    Reading between the lines, eh?


  5. hsampson says:

    Hello! I just nominated you for the Premio Dardos Award.
    Don´t worry you don´t have to accept the award or do anything, this is just my way to tell you THANK YOU, I admire your work and I am grateful to you for sharing and teaching me so much!
    Check my last post here: http://wp.me/p5trJ-tm
    And once again, thank you for blogging!!!
    Your friend always,
    Hector Sampson


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