Apparently I Should Start a Blog

woman why

Lately, because I enjoy writing, a few people have approached me saying that I should start a blog. Obviously they don’t know about this one. Funny, isn’t it?

“What would I write about?” I ask them. As odd as that sounds, after having already written hundreds of posts, it’s actually a valid question. What would I write about? Everything is already being written.

What then, would make my posts stand out from the rest? What can I possibly write that hasn’t been written yet? What knowledge can I share that most people don’t already know? What difference can I make that no one else has made?

The other day, someone who used to publish articles in a well-known magazine asked me, “If you could write about one topic, what would it be? What are you most passionate about?” That is same question she asked herself years ago. The answer led her to writing an article that immediately got her hired as a columnist at the magazine, where she remained one of their top writers for years.

What am I passionate about, and how could I write about it in a way different from how others have? Then there is the other question of what I want to do. Do I want to be a columnist? Or do I want to write fiction, as mentioned to a friend recently? Or, do I simply want to write?

I love writing, but what do I want to accomplish by doing so? Anything?

All of those questions have given me writer’s block for the past week, mainly out of discouragement. Why write if my words won’t make a difference? Do they? Does it matter? Who do I write for? Do I write for me, the reader, or both?

I have so many questions running through this head of mine, so I’ll ask you one.

What are you trying to accomplish through your writing?

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35 Responses to Apparently I Should Start a Blog

  1. markbialczak says:

    I write to make me and other people happy. How many other people, now that is the question, Me Who. As for you, please do not get paralysis through analysis.


  2. I write simply to create and heighten awareness around what really matters. My sole rule is that if I’m not enjoying blogging, then I ought not be doing it. 🙂


  3. DailyMusings says:

    I write to share what is on my mind- and I hope in doing so people will either relate to it in some way or maybe like it because they just like the topic. Sometimes I over think it and then don’t write because I get stuck in the cycle of why would anyone want to read about it. I love the connection with others that blogging brings 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • mewhoami says:

      That’s the point I suppose – there is always someone who can relate. With that, it’s also nice to know that we’re not the only one feeling or experiencing specific things. I’ll try not to let my over-thinking get in my way again.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. LindaGHill says:

    They are all difficult questions – I ask myself the same thing all the time. My blog about “life” – my life in particular – leaves me open to write about many things, which means I don’t have to decide really. Should I? I’m not sure. I’m passionate about so many things.
    Great post, my dear. 🙂 Very thought-provoking.

    Liked by 1 person

    • mewhoami says:

      Life is a passionate subject to write about, seeing as how we live it everyday. One would think then that we would never run out of writing material. Your posts are very engaging, funny and motivational. Not everyone (not many actually) lives a day to day life like you do.


  5. I write to chronicle my journey to a happier and more optimistic lifestyle. I also write because if one thing I say changes one person’s life for the better, even if only for a day, then I feel I have served a purpose. I know some people try to stick to a blogging schedule, but I cannot. I will not post for a week or two if I don’t feel like I’m putting out something with a quality message. I think you can write for multiple reasons, but you mainly do it because it is fulfilling on a deep personal level.

    Liked by 1 person

    • mewhoami says:

      You’re right about it being fulfilling. Aside from the many great people I’ve met, that is the second greatest thing about blogging. Also as you said, if we can make that one change even for a moment, even if it’s just a smile on someone’s face, then it’s well worth every written word.


  6. carabesque says:

    Beware! Your ego is getting you away from your passion. It’s blocking you and causing you to double guess yourself. Don’t worry about why, just write. If you want to win, lose the ego.


    • mewhoami says:

      Thank you, but I don’t think it’s ego. It’s quite the opposite actually; self-doubt and lack of self-esteem. With ego, I’d probably have a million followers by now, as I’d never stop posting. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Doobster418 says:

    I write about whatever happens to occur to me on a particular day at a particular time. It’s my way of doing something at least a little creative, exercise my brain, and hone my writing skills.


  8. cara says:

    I write because it’s what I do and who I am. It always has been. Writing is an outlet for personal expression, it is a way to create new worlds, it is how I make sense of this world. Whether it is through fiction or through writing a blog, I think for those of us who are writers, we write because in some ways we need to. That is the passion… to create and express using words on the page; it doesn’t necessarily matter what we are writing about. I sometimes get carried away writing emails in the same way I once got carried away writing letters.


    • mewhoami says:

      Our passion is writing – how right you are. We may be passionate about specific topics, but what we’re passionate most about is writing. It is definitely a good outlet, one that I have grown to greatly appreciate. I’m the same way with emails. Sometimes I get carried away when emailing and write ‘mini-books.’


  9. I am trying to strengthen my skills more. I found out that I am good at writing so why not actually right lol.


  10. I write to create. I write to take notice, and record life as it happens in little snippets. Because looking back, those little snippets suddenly turn in to “the good old days” or the wonderful moments, and I want to be cognizant of them as they occur. I write to leave something for others who might look for something after I’m not here, nuggets of me, maybe, if someone was inclined to want something. I write to work through frustration or sadness, or to celebrate joys. I write to create.


  11. Margret says:

    I write because it makes me happy and to leave something for my grandkids. My oldest granddaughter wants me to write stories for her….


    • mewhoami says:

      That’s a great reason. It’s nice to know that they will able to look back on your life later. What a neat way to connect even after we’re no longer here. This may sound morbid, but I read on a gravestone the other day, “Father, Son, Grandfather, Storyteller.” I could imagine his grandson sitting on his lap telling stories…very sweet.


  12. I have nothing to accomplish with my writing – and that is exactly how I like it! But, that is awesome that you are so completely anonymous that even those that know you don’t know! LOL


  13. Glynis Jolly says:

    I write blog posts because I like the way it allows me to communicate with others who have similar interests. In my particular case, that is writing, of course. I’ve thought about being a columnist. There’s even a newspaper in this small town that may take me on. But I hesitate because I don’t have the means to get around town so that my articles would be at their best. Besides, my passion is creative writing, like in novels and short stories.


    • mewhoami says:

      Many times we are able to communicate even better through writing, and it’s fascinating to find others out there who are similar to us. Short stories would be fun to write. Plus you’d never run out of material. Creative minds are never empty of ideas.


  14. April says:

    Whew! I’m trying to define why I blog. I know one thing…posts I made a month or two ago, a year ago, two years ago—many of them were from a dark place. I had difficulty writing anything but needed to let go of the despair. I continue to write for myself. My observations. Geesh! I’m passionate about knitting and cats, but I can’t find enough details to make even a short paragraph of the two.


  15. Ryan Dueck says:

    I write so that others don’t need to feel alone in their mental illness. I write so I don’t feel alone in my mental illnesses. I write because I feel better when I do!


    • mewhoami says:

      I believe that people need to read your words just as much as you need to write them. It’s good to know that we’re not alone when dealing with certain things. I appreciate your blog and your honesty.

      Liked by 1 person

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