Change – One-Liner Wednesday


“Learning is a change in behavior. You haven’t learned a thing until you can take action and use it.” ~ Shula & Blanchard

This post is for One-Liner Wednesday, hosted by LindaGHill.

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17 Responses to Change – One-Liner Wednesday

  1. leighmac17 says:

    Change is a verb and that means choice and action. Good to be reminded of that. Thanks!


  2. Yes, we have to be able to “do” with what we know; great one!


  3. suzjones says:

    Yep. As I explained to my son last night, you can change your thought patterns. It can be done. He believes it sound too much like hard work though. lol


  4. stormy1812 says:

    Exactly! Now to take action… 🙂


  5. April says:

    That’s a one liner worthy of a sticky note to hang on my mirror. The sticky notes remind me what is important in life. Pretty soon, I won’t be able to see myself. 🙂


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