What is Success to You?


Early this morning, I read a post about how people in the workforce often belittle the position of stay-at-home moms. The person who wrote the post was right. These mothers are often viewed as uneducated, lazy and unsuccessful. However, those perceptions are usually wrong, and said out of ignorance.

This post isn’t primarily about stay-at-home moms though. It’s about success, and what success means to each of us individually.

A mother who stays home, experiences success in the raising of her children. Their success is her success. There is no shame in that. On the contrary, she should be admired for her willingness to give of herself in such a way. She sacrifices her life, her needs, and her desires for those children.

Other people find success in earning a master’s degree, and obtaining a career as a CEO in a large corporation. Some achieve success by working in the fast food industry.

A man who comes home with dirt under his fingernails, and his clothes covered in grime, is just as successful as a man in a crisp white shirt and tie. A person who volunteers their time at an organization, is no less successful than the one who owns it.

People are successful when they graduate from high school, and others when they earn their GED. A person is successful when they publish a book, write a song, or learn a new hobby. Others, when they get married or buy their first home.

Everyone’s definition of success is different, and each person is successful in their own way. Therefore, no one should ever be looked down upon for the job that they choose to do, or the one that they don’t.

What is your idea of success? What makes you successful?



“Typing my heart out” for Nano Poblano/NaBloPoMo.

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22 Responses to What is Success to You?

  1. Doobster418 says:

    I could never had done as well — or as successfully — the job of raising our two kids as my wife did. It’s a skill set that I just don’t possess and something that she excelled at. I am fortunate in that I was able to afford for my wife to be a stay-at-home mom so that she could focus on raising our kids. It’s a critically important job and she was great at it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • mewhoami says:

      You are absolutely right. It is such an important job; one of the most, if not the most, important jobs a person can have. It is terrific that your wife was able to stay home with them. I believe that alone makes a world of difference in a child’s life. Also, good for you for letting her.



    I have had success at raising my children. I have had success in school, work and career. I have had success in loving well and being loved. I have had success in working on my faults and foibles. I have had much success. And I so appreciate this post for pointing out the differences. 🙂


  3. bilinguazo says:

    Thank you for posting this. It is all so true and well written. I have also had a successful education and career, but being a stay at home mom is by far what I am most proud of. I, too, am lucky that my husband can work while I stay home and there is no better (or challenging at times) job I’ve ever had. Thanks for helping others see that.


    • mewhoami says:

      It’s wonderful that you have had the best of both worlds. Many stay-at-home moms I know, have extensive backgrounds in outside careers and education. That’s great because the can teach their children better, and even work from home successfully if they choose. I’m happy that you are able to do that for your children. It is certainly a rewarding and fulfilling job, and so important.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. For me, it is no longer about success. It’s about meaning and significance — both of which I aspire to. Society often defines success for people and they struggle to achieve something that isn’t even theirs.


    • mewhoami says:

      Eric, I agree with you. It should be more about significance. What do we do with our lives, how do we touch others, what differences do we make? That’s what really counts at the end of the day.


  5. I think success in any arena is making a choice , enjoying it and achieving the best you can within it.


  6. Meaning and significance, as Eric said, and the completion of personal goals. Immersing oneself in a creative endeavour and seeing it through. Nice post!


  7. I think you are successful if you are happy in your skin. Like you say we all have our own level of success. It’s all about our own perspective.


  8. I think people can entertain personal ideas of what success means to them, that way they are not held to unrealistic standards by others. Even if it takes time to reach their goals, when they get there then they will know they are successful no matter what anyone else thinks. People are judgmental. It’s ridiculous sometimes.


    • mewhoami says:

      Unrealistic standards – I think that’s a big problem for people today. They are competing against the abilities and desires of others, rather than seeking out their own. Yes sadly, people can be very judgemental. Instead of living their life, their too caught up in the lives of others.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. April says:

    I have only one thought about women who work outside the home vs. stay at home moms, but I’m not going to share it. 😀 I’m a retired stay-at-home mom, and I feel so fortunate to have been able to make that choice. Success is measured independently. I tried working with three young kids, and worked a stressful job which required overtime. I was fortunate to choose hours so that by the time my husband got home, I would be leaving—I worked until the wee hours of the morning, slept a tiny bit, and got up to raise my children. What did I learn? I couldn’t be successful at both. My job wasn’t getting 100% of me, and my children didn’t always get 100% because I was exhausted all the time. Success, for me, was looking at their happy faces and the wonder in their eyes through things that I shared with them. It isn’t, and should never be shameful to be a stay-at-home mom. Who, by the way aren’t lazy, unsuccessful, or uneducated.

    Okay–to I strayed from a simple response. Success is knowing what makes you happy, fulfilled, and living it. What makes me successful? I’m alive.


    • mewhoami says:

      I agree with you completely. It is hard, if not impossible, to give both 100%. One will be neglected, or both will. It’s a hard choice for many to make, but certainly one that should, at the very least, be considered. All I know, is that this world and the children in it are much different these days than they used to be.

      Your idea of success sounds like a great one. That’s exactly what we need for success. And being alive is definitely a success!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Rookienotes says:

    Interesting, thought provoking post. Hmmm. I’ll get back to you with this one. Once you get past your goals are you still successful?


    • mewhoami says:

      I’d like to hear your thoughts when you’re ready to share. I think a person should always have goals, until the day they stop breathing. That’s what keeps them going through the rough times.


Please share your thoughts