Your Last Impression

last impressionImagine that this is your last day on earth. Is this the last impression you want to make? I heard this asked the other day on a news broadcast and it stuck with me. How often do we wake up and think to ourselves that this could be our final day, and then treat it accordingly? I would dare to say, rarely.

The news broadcast was focused on using common sense in the workplace. They mentioned such things as respecting your boss, not being a complainer and working as though you’re appreciative of your job. Of course if you want to lose your job, then ignore all of that.

At the end of the broadcast someone asked the question, “Imagine that this is your last day on earth. Is this the last impression you want to make?” Although they were referring to work, that question applies to all areas of life.

How do we treat people? What do we say to them? What do we write about? If this were my last post, is this the last impression I would want to make?

Most of us go throughout our day trying to treat others right, which is great. The problem is, is that we tend to focus on the big things, but give little thought to how the small things we do affect others as well.

For example, being short with our responses because we’re frustrated or giving someone a rotten expression as we walk away from them. Perhaps our irritation at a coworker was made obvious by something we did. Maybe we snapped at the cashier for making a mistake or expressed our anger toward a fellow driver.

When we leave someone’s presence, what impression do we leave them with? Were we kind, rude, bossy, mean, helpful? It’s the little things that people remember the most. They remember, because of how those things made them feel.

There’s a quote that says, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”  ~ Maya Angelou

How did you make people feel today? How did you treat your family, your friends, coworkers or strangers? Did you leave them with a smile on their face or did you leave them questioning?

There have been people I have known for only a moment, but that moment stuck with me because of how they made me feel. Some made me feel good and left a good impression, while others did quite the opposite.

There are friends and family who I’ve known for years, and have proven to be wonderful people. However, if they were to do or say something hurtful on their last day, then that memory would resonate in my mind, even after they’re gone. Would it cause me to harbor hard feelings toward them or forget all the wonderful times we had together? Of course not, but that moment would remain in the back of my mind.

As a child my mother always told me to never say, “I hate you.” Hate is a powerful word and is very painful to hear. I certainly wouldn’t want that to be the last thing someone heard me say. Our words, our actions and even our facial expressions make lasting impressions on people.

Granted, there are times when people misinterpret the things we do, as our eyes and ears have a way of playing tricks on us. Unfortunately we can’t control how others perceive us, but we can control what is done on our part. We can control our actions and our words, and endeavor to make a good last impression on those around us.

As we go throughout our day today and interact with various people, we should ask ourselves:

“This could be my last day on earth. Is this the last impression I want to make?”

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46 Responses to Your Last Impression

  1. Superb and thoughtful post. Well done.


  2. I love this post and that is such a great question to ask ourselves probably with each interaction we have. I consider this frequently and trying to leave that consistent positive lasting impression is one of the greatest challenges I face, especially when it comes to my teenage daughter because she sure dies know how to get my goat! Anyway, I would like to reblog if you wouldn’t mind. This is something everyone should read 😉


    • mewhoami says:

      You’re right, it’s something we should consider with each and every interaction we have. We never know what impact we will leave on someone, so we should try to make it a good one. I can see how your teen daughter would be a challenge. I remember as a teen pushing buttons with my mom all the time. To leave a good last impression when we’re upset is a challenge no doubt. Please feel free to reblog anytime. It’s always appreciated. Thank you!


  3. kligraphy says:

    If we all kept that in mind every day just imagine…


  4. stacilys says:

    Excellent post. My hats off to you. I have thought about this before too. When my kids go off to school I kiss them and tell them I love them. Because we never know what could happen, am I right?


    • mewhoami says:

      Exactly. We never know what the next moment is going to hold. Everything can change in a matter of one second. It’s wonderful that through your actions, you’re teaching this to your children.


  5. Jenna Dee says:

    It seems most people know we should appreciate every day as a gift but it is only when disaster happens that we band together as a strong community and really care about each other.
    I try and treat all people well every day. I love the Maya Angelou quote “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” My mother passed away 7 years ago and the strongest memory I have of her is how she made me feel. Lovely post, thank you. Love Jenna 🙂


    • mewhoami says:

      I would like to say that people appreciate every day, but the more I talk to people and spend time with them, the more I realize that many of them don’t consider it at all. They’re all about “me, me, me” and what they can get and what makes them feel good. It’s very sad really.

      I wish there were more like you, in understanding the importance of appreciating people and the day that they are given. Thank you Jenna.


  6. suzjones says:

    Reblogged this on It Goes On and commented:
    From my friend Me – Who am I?
    A wonderful lady with a terrific outlook on life who asks the big questions and challenges the perceptions we hold. 🙂


  7. DailyMusings says:

    Great post- and important. Something I try to do everyday.


  8. I hope I can remember this when I am frustrated or sad or angry. I can’t believe, in reviewing some of my behaviors, that they could have been the last impression I left. What a post to cause reflection.


    • mewhoami says:

      Same here. When I heard that, I thought of many different encounters over my life, some good and others not so much. It definitely makes a person think and consider their actions.


  9. This is a great and important post. Found you through Sue.
    When my kids lived at home, I did practice these best possible: Never leave each other in anger, but say goodnight with a good mood and See you, when we did leave for each our day.
    We never know, if we will see each other again.


  10. Great food for thought, and something I discuss with my son on a regular basis ☺️


  11. lauramacky says:

    Thank you for the reminder. It’s a really good thing to keep in mind.


  12. Khai says:

    Yes! Absolutely! It is my fondest hope that, through all the ups and downs and ins and outs of life, when it is my time to go (and it will be, in not too very long at all, relatively speaking), the one impression I leave behind is that those I loved, knew they were loved, and knew the strength, devotion, and commitment behind that love. Thank you for the reminder that every day needs to be an expression of that love in order for that to be true!


    • mewhoami says:

      What will be said of you when you die? That’s a question I ask of myself often. It sounds like you do too. With that, it also sounds like you’re on the right path to leaving behind a good example. An example of love, sincere love. That’s wonderful!


  13. April says:

    Every time I’m around my family in Seattle, I always make sure to treat them kindly, and to express my love for them. However, those who live with me—no so much. In fact, other than ignoring my husband and his – um, not-so-funny-jokes, I was a complete gritch (grump/bitch). All because I have an earache. Thanks for the thoughts and reminder!


    • mewhoami says:

      Isn’t it odd how we treat people who we see rarely so much better than the people we see every day? Ironically, that’s a post I have sitting in my draft box. Not so funny jokes – those have a way of rubbing people the wrong way, especially if we’re not in the right mood.


  14. If I go today, the last impression of me is the dint in my mattress from lying in bed on a Saturday morning with a cup of tea and a laptop. Not a bad way to go. Unless I electrocuted myself by spilling the tea on the laptop while it was plugged in… 😉


  15. Morguie says:

    Strangely, I have that thought in the back of my mind each day. That’s what happens when you realize you’re turning up the path and heading towards Geezer-town…yup, that’s right up the road from here…lol. A little past G-town, next stop: Twilite Zone. 😛


    • mewhoami says:

      I like your sense of humor. These thoughts definitely have a way of hitting us as we age. Death comes to all of us. All we can do is hope that we’ve done our best and laid out a good example for our future generation to follow.


  16. Pingback: Live as if you’d drop dead in ten seconds… | An Upturned Soul

  17. What a powerful question! Thank you for asking it. My mother also never let us say hate. Words can hold so much power.


  18. authormandycarroll says:

    “This could be my last day on earth. Is this the last impression I want to make?”
    That my friend says it all….I have never been promised tomorrow…or even 10 minutes from now…so live..right now…


  19. A.PROMPTreply says:

    Wow. This is some powerful writing here with a huge message. I love the question, “How did you make people feel today?” Inserting that question into brain now……going to work on that!


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